Tuesday 6 October 2015

Searching as Strategic Exploration

Locating information requires a combination of inquiry, discovery, and serendipity. There is no one size fits all source to find the needed information. Information discovery is nonlinear and iterative, requiring the use of a broad range of information sources and flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding is developed. This frame focuses on keyword development, Boolean search strategies, and the exploration of reference sources as a starting point for research.

Student Learning Objectives: 

  • Identify the best databases to use for a research topic.
  • Create appropriate and effective search strings for database searches.
  • Identify broader, narrower, and related terms or concepts when initial searches retrieve few or no results.

  1. Give students a topic where they have only a nebulous idea of their topic, develop key terms to search with, and use two different databases to locate information on their topic.
  2. Students will use a reference database (e.g., Credo Reference) and develop search strategies for a research topic.
  3. Students should be able to use at least two Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) to find materials for their topic.

Materials needed:
  • Computer with internet access.
  • White board
  • Pre and Post-test questionnaire

How these activities relates to knowledge practice:

Activity one relates to knowledge practice four as after the activity students will have the ability to match information needs and search strategies to search tools.

Activity two relates to knowledge practice five as students will have the ability to design and refine needs and search strategies, based on search results.

Activity two relates to knowledge practice seven as students will have the ability to use different searching language types (e.g., controlled vocabulary, keywords, natural language).

1 comment:

  1. Before we start we start to search strategies we need to have an idea of what we are looking for. What kind of information are we looking for. We need to refine our topic and formulate mind mapping and keyword. And if you are not sure about the databases and OPAC we can ask the reference librarian to assist about how to conduct amd manage your research effectibe=ves using several online tools and libraries websites
